Evangelical church in Ochtiná
The construction of the church is probably related to the local Bubek family, which owned this village. The first written mention of the building dates from 1332 - 1337. According to the latest researches, the building had the form of a towerless nave with a sanctuary, apparently with a square plan.
The church significantly changed its appearance in the second half of the 15th century. A side nave covered with a star vault was attached to the north side. Around 1635, the originally flat wooden ceiling in the nave was replaced by a Prussian vault. In this period, when the church was already evangelical, medieval wall paintings were whitewashed, as in many others. Those, rediscovered today, cover the entire interior of the presbytery and are partially preserved in the attic space. Their author was given the epithet Master of the Presbytery of Ochtiná. With their highly professional visual expression and monumentality, the works of this artist belong to the works of exceptional, even supra-regional quality, in terms of painting and art.
The fresco painting depicts the Christological cycle: the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary, Mary´s visit to Elizabeth, the birth of Christ, the arrival and bowing of the three kings, the sacrifice in the temple, the twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple, the coronation of the Virgin Mary and the Last Supper. Less common motifs include the Apocalyptic beast on the triumphal arch, or the depiction of St. The trinity in the form of a head with three faces, which can be found on the lintel of the circular window. A similar rendering can also be found in the church in Rákoš, which was probably the model for the Ochtiná painting. The extensive, artistically extremely high-quality fresco painting of the interior is dated to the period 1360-1380.
To visit this gem, you must register in advance with the deacon of the church choir ECAV Ochtiná, Mr. Martin Dudáš at phone no. +421 905 874 096