Záver Klenovskej rontouky po komornom programe v evanjelickom kostole v Klenovci
Source: OZ Rodon, Klenovec

Gemer-Malohont folklore festival: Klenovská Rontouka

Klenovská Rontouka folklore festival is the only folklore festivals of their kind in the Rimavská Sobota and Revúca districts.

Traditional crafts, traditional cuisine, folk songs, dances, music are presented at the festival, not only from the Gemer - Malohont region, but also from other regions of Slovakia, as well as Slovaks living near and far abroad.

The aim of the event is to revive, develop and preserve the traditional folk culture (songs, music, dance, traditional clothing, crafts, gastronomy, customs, dialects) of the Gemer-Malohont region, with an emphasis on the development of rural tourism and its promotion to the general public.

Klenovská Rontouka, as the name suggests, takes place every year in June in the village of Klenovec.

In the last year, up to 1,080 performers presented themselves in programs over three days.


Center of the village, 98055 Klenovec