Gothic church in Štítnik
The Gothic evangelical church in Štítnik is a pearl among Gemer churches. The valuable interior of the church hides a great artistic wealth presented by rare epitaphs, a pulpit, a late Renaissance altar and frescoes from the 14th and 15th centuries, which were discovered in 1908-1909, during the extensive restoration of the church. The wall (secco and fresco) paintings occupy an area of around 200 square meters, thus representing the most extensive example of medieval wall painting in Slovakia. They are sometimes preserved in two, exceptionally in three layers. The oldest paintings from around 1350 are located on the north side of the presbytery. It is a passion cycle, depicting Christ from the entry into Jerusalem to scenes of the Way of the Cross. A part of these paintings is also a unique depiction of Death in Slovakia as a rider on a white horse galloping towards a group of people.The church can boast of probably the oldest functional organ in Slovakia, which dates back to the end of the 15th century. A bronze baptismal font from master Ján from Spišská Sobota has also been preserved here from the same period. In the southern chapel there are several stone tombstones of the Četneky family, lords from Štítnik.
This distinctive landmark of the entire štítín valley is definitely worth seeing. The remains of a water castle from the 15th century can also be seen in the village.
To visit this pearl of the Gemer Gothic road, you must register in advance with the parish priest, Mgr. Jana Ilčisková at phone no. +421 907 337 855