Chata Šopisko na huculskej magistrále
Author: Jozef Kopor

Hucul horseway - Chata Šopisko

The new support point of the Huculska horseway is the transfer station near the Šopisko cottage in the Skorušina location near Klenovec in the Rimavská Sobota district.

Šopisko is a key point of the upcoming horse crossings through ⛰ Veporské vrchy, as it lies on the routes between Lom nad Rimavicou, Tisovec and Pohronská Polhora. Bridging stations, such as Šopisko, will enable tourists to travel comfortably, provide accommodation, meals and safe stables for horses.

The Hucul horseway currently has 36 kilometers of routes that are cleaned and focused. They can provide a tour on horseback for a group of six from Vydrová dolina through Sihla, Šopisko to the Muránska plateau and the Burda saddle. The Šopisko station has six stalls for the horses of five tourists, as well as their guide´s horse.

Longer journeys, which include the use of bridging stations, are intended for more experienced riders, as it involves riding in difficult terrain.
