Mining exposition in the Rákošská Baňa
In the exposition, you can see various mining tools and tools from the end of the nineteenth century, interesting minerals, period documents and photographs depicting the active life and importance of the location. All this with the expert interpretation of the members. The exhibition is open to interested parties by prior arrangement. You can book access to it via Facebook or by phone: Mr. Pavelka, Mr. Siman or Ms. Pavelková at Tel. No. OZ Rákošská cächaHERE0950 738 1000917 064 3100905 734 750.
In addition to visiting the mining exposition, be sure not to miss the nearby village of Rákoš and the inconspicuous one above the village, which hides rare frescoes from the 14th century. The most interesting of them depicts God with three faces and four eyes. To enter the church, please contact the parish priest Ms. Pavlíková in advance on the phone number: little church0915 152 432
Above the village there is also a unique, freely accessible, educational. In the tangle of underground passages of the former mines, up to SEVERAL THOUSANDS OF BAT COLONIES live here, which can be observed in the spring and autumn when they fly out of the mine shafts at three secured places on this trail.Pathway of small bats
For those who would like to walk along the nature trail for almost an hour, they can choose to explore the remains of Rákoš Castle, which can be reached in about half an hour. If you´re lucky, you´ll pick up edible mushrooms along the way and see wild game in the menagerie.
As you can see, Rákoš and its surroundings offer a full-value program for a full-day trip.