Upper Gemer Center.
The historic core of this mining town consists of a spacious square, the largest of its kind in Slovakia and several adjacent streets.
The dominant feature of the square is the Renaissance Watchtower, from the gallery of which visitors have a beautiful view of the entire city and its surroundings.
The rarest and oldest cultural monument in Rožňava is the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. There is a unique panel painting from 1513 of St. Anna Samotretia (also known as Rožňavská Metercia), which is the oldest depiction of mining activity on the altarpiece in Central Europe.
The city has entered the industrial history of Europe mainly by mining and. Precious and non-ferrous metals and iron ores were mined around the city. The oldest metal obtained was gold, which was extracted in the city by rice.hardware store
Rožňava is an optimal starting point for trips to the surroundings, whether for caves (,,,), history (, Andrássy Mausoleum, churches in, a), or for walking or. KrásnohorskáDomicaGombaseckáOchtinská aragonitováBetliar manor houseShieldKoceľovcechOchtinejcycling